Sunday, October 15, 2006

Fasting and Prayer 09/06

As we were praying, here are a few of the things I felt in my heart for Burnaby:

His glory will be shown.
We won't always know what to do.. But we will follow Him. His definition of success isn't alway ours, so whether or not our version of 'success' happens, his glory will be shown in who we are, how we react, and by who we are, others will know it's Him.

Changing. Fire of a generation.
If we want to see change, we will feel/know the fire.
There will be a testing of our hearts. Will we pay the price for what He wants to do? Do we really want to be a part of this? What are our motives?

Asking. Boldly.
We will see.
We will let our cry ring with His. Let our hearts break with the things that break His heart.
We will attempt great things because we've asked Him for great things.
Confidence... In who He is and who we are.

Again, as I was praying, here is some of what I felt in my heart.

I believe that we will be inspiring young men and women to run boldly.
We won't be intimidated by what others have done as they have walked before us, instead we will continue on with their heart, thier passion, but it will look completely different then what they have done, and we will be ok with that even when sometimes others find it hard to see past the style.
We will be changed.
Sending out. New places release new faces.
Music will be huge. It will play a big role in who we are and what we do.
On the streets we will take prophetic faith steps.
We will learn together.
There will be healing of the broken and the hopeless.

As we talked and prayed, I was able to grapple a bit more with what it means to be a part of this team. Honestly, I do stuggle with what my part will be. My place. I know that we all do. As I prayed I know I began to see more of God's heart. Hear his voice for what we will be doing, where I haven't before.

And I'd love to hear your thoughts.. What were your experiences in fasting and prayer?