So I'm sitting in a bus on Kensington on my way to work. We are inching along slower than I can walk (well, maybe run!) I'm finally able to see the corner where we will turn right and the traffic will thin enough for us to travel at the speed limit at least. And I think about how enduring this stretch of the road is a requirement for getting to the next stretch. Finding beauty in the trees to my right and the stream of red lights in front and white lights behind helps to make the slow passing of time more enjoyable while I anticipate the stretch where the throttle can be opened up wide (unless of course someone pulls the "next stop" cord) and we can roar up the hill in a much more "going some place" fashion.
Whatever the case, no road remains the same in either terrain, treacherousness or speed limit for its entire length. The only way to get the best out of life is to find the best in each stretch and revel it.
Thankfully God is good at helping us out with this... He has a way of making the seemingly complicated things much more plain for my simple brain.. but most of the time it takes me a while to catch on. :)