Sunday, August 06, 2006

from the middle of nowhere

hey everyone...
sittin here with jonathan in madisonville kentucky...caleb's sleepin, and we're just trying to make sense of the past couple days. i have been thinking of you guys the past couple days. i don't claim to know some of you at all...but i want you to know that the more i talk about God's dream, the more i dream of following jesus' wild eyes together.
there's no way for me to articulate everything that's been said on our trip; that would be both mindless and lifeless. but i did want to let you know how awesome it's been to bare our/your hearts to some really cool people...and for them to assure us that yes, we're out of our minds...but in the same sentence remind us that no, we're not alone in this mission. in fact, mark swank said it this way: the fact that the dream in our heart in irrational, unsupported by current planting research/writing, and culturally daunting is the very evidence of the indisputable/irrefutable nature of God's purpose/plan in our hearts. our 'craziness' is proof and assurance that maybe...just maybe we might be stumbling into the great storehouses of Christ's eternal kingdom. God has a plan for our nation, and what He needs are people who are willing to trust the big picture to Him...knowing that He cares most about those who He will reach in burnaby.
sooooo encouraging for me...j and i have remarked several times that more than gleaning new info/strategy/vision, we've been reassured that God has actually already spoken to our [and that's ALL of us] hearts!! a starting proposition, i know...that we've actually heard His heart!!
oh i want more.
enough for now. will share some more once i'm home.
dar and i are sooo looking forward to being near to you.
continue to pray for jonathan and caleb as they start their motorcycle pilgrimage tomorrow.

1 comment:

tracey said...

all you said echos in my heart too.. i'm SO glad i'm considered CRAZY.. haahahhahahahah!!! :) :) :) but seriously, i'm excited for the days ahead, for what god has purposed for EACH of us..i dont have a hot clue all that is going / has gone on on your trip there - but i know it's been good.

and yes, the boys start their motorcycle road trip - and i s tart a new phase of intense prayer, thanks to them.. :p

love you, my community..