Also yesterday Bri started at a new job too similar to the home for at risk youth that he's been working at this last little while, only it's full time now! hallelujah! how exciting! no more all night shifts!
Things still aren't necessarily "normal" for us out here yet, we're still trying to get into the swing of things... trying to get used to the rain and the people and the transit... still trying to wrestle through the culture shocking... we've been here for over 6 months and some days it feels as new as day 1...
God's so faithful though. I was going through a hard time and God began releasing hope in my heart. It was as if He unveiled my eyes to what 'could be' out here. I came out here following the dream of community and living as Jesus intended, and as that dream is still alive in all of us, God has begun opening my heart wider, He's allowing me to dream this dream of MissionBurnaby but also the dreams that lay in mine and bri's hearts.
I don't really know what it's gonna look like... not one bit, but i know i'm refreshed =)

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