Friday, January 25, 2008

The Heartbeat

Something is desire..maybe my heart. One person. Jesus walked. Jesus met one person at a time. This was his mission. One heart. Each individual called by name. He counts the hairs on our head. He knows the grains of sand.
I am so thankful. Thankful that he would not overlook my frame. That he considers each persons ways.
The heartbeat of God.
The heartbeat of man.
I want to love this. I want to love God. I sometimes can't believe that he is real...and that he loves me. It is beyond joy. Beyond hope. Beyond understanding. It is the greatest thing ever. What a walk with the divine. To hear the words we are not alone. To know it is not me who creates things ...but God who creates and works out his will in me. It is his joy to simply look at me..and love me as I am. His kindness..leading me to repentance. His kindness drawing me in and thwarting all my past ideas of him. Causing me to not be afraid...drawing me to trust. " I am not mean " " I am love"...." I love you"..." I love you"..." I love you" . I think I can hear his heart almost..his cry his desire to let us know this. His heartaches for all who are lost..all that is lost. My name is Tanya. Prior to a few months ago my life looked a lot different than it does now. When God decides to move us... I am realizing that but for our will to say has very little to do with us, and very much to do with God's great vision. His desire to grow us into a closer relationship with him and others. I did not know what would happen..otherwise I probably wouldn't have chosen to follow. Sometimes knowing everything...isn't the best thing. I would be scared to jump if I saw every obstacle I was going to face ahead of me. One is enough. One day..I will tell my story in more detail. But for now..I am on a different kind of journey. I have been invited in by Jesus to share life for this season. He has given me a group of friends in Mission Burnaby that I am both surprised by and in awe about. Somehow Jesus new I would need to be surrounded. I have not felt surrounded in my heart like this in a long time. Jesus has brought me into his home so to speak as I live at the house called " mission burnaby" as I find my way to his heart..and his healing. He has surrounded me with people who love him...and who will love me. I am one person. And I am so thankful to Jesus...for his grace to me..and for my friends who will walk this journey with me. Jesus walked with people. One a time. " I love you..." " I love you.." this is what he says.....I can almost hear his heart...and this is mine. Tanya


tracey said...

thank you for sharing your heart.

and you have helped me hear mine.


Tammy said...

Thank you for sharing your heart. I am looking forward 2 meeting you in May. Continue your amazing healing journey. God is doing a great work in your life.

Anonymous said...

Tanya,thank you for sharing your heart, I needed to hear those words more than even I knew.

breefer said...

thank you for sharing. so good, so clear. glad to be your friend and to have crossed paths.

Megs said...

Hmmmm...thanks for your heart again. I miss it and your hugs. Thank you Tanya.