howdy peeps...
dunno if you are all aware of the prayer and fasting going on specifically for our church plant, tues and fridays 7am and noon.
i went to my first one yesterday noon - it was incredible.
i didn't knwo where i should start so decided to pray the part on the prayer guide "team prayer list"..
so i prayed every sentence over every person, including caleb, rosie and hayley.. i only got thru to number 4 in the hour!! but it was good.. and i got some specific things to pray out of them for us... so will post them below, in the order that i went thru the notes:
1. "passionate in relationship with god"
:: scott - dependance on Holy Spirit guidance - to NOT try and figure out stuff before taking the risk.
:: darlene - continual filling of the Holy Spirit and dependance on His guidance - that in this new season of "mommyness"
:: caleb - infilling of the Holy Spirit - that he would receive and walk in power at a young age. (i was a MESS after this one!!)
:: megan - victory over the temptation to recluse and to think that you have nothing to say in all this.
:: zaira - victory over temptation to settle - in life, relationships, calling, ministry, etc.
:: trace - disciplined and JOY in worship, prayer and bible study...sigh..ya. :)
:: caleb - victory over the temptation to think he's not "good enough".
:: rosie - victory over the temptation to compare her beauty with others. (again a mess..sigh)
:: pj - willing submission and participation with jesus as He develops character - that as one of the key leaders, his willingness will trailblaze for the rest of us.
:: pj & trace - grace, flexibility, wisdom and strength for difficult situations and demanding schedules - being the only ones who have lived communally and knowing all it entails, to help the rest of the team adjust, process, fight fair, etc.. that we would be most like jesus in some of the foreseeable toughest times..
(this one is pretty much for us all big time!! there were just a few specifics on some of them)
:: scott & darlene - as a couple, grace, flexibility, wisdom and strength for difficult situations and demanding schedules - that they would be able to process together all this without it overwhelming them - but being on the same page, the "same team" amidst it all.
:: meryl - grace, flexibility, wisdom and strength, etc... - that because it WILL be difficult and different, its ok. that jesus will give you all you need to be who you are.
:: megan & meryl - comfort when facing culture shock, fear discouragement.
:: brian - god's joy in serving - that it would not just be a task, but an outpouring of what is in your heart.
:: erin - grace and wisdom, comfort for culture shock (the bigness of it all) lonliness and fear.
:: zaira - god's comfort over fear and discouragement.
3. "strong family relationships"
:: jtca - that the lord would help us to adjust to a new way of life..again. :) to continue to strengthen our individual inner family relationships (jtca) and not them slip, or not intentionally build them. that our kids would grow and become so much great in relationship with Jesus - that this experience would go into their DNA for them to become better people for it. help us to balance home life and ministry and homelife communally and our little family. help us to know and have clear boundaries within our family and within our community family relationships.
:: sdh - that their marriage / they would allow others "in", in a sense (as lived as the twosome for a long time, and used to just each other basically - which is not bad, just real. =] ) to speak into their marriage/lives, be mentors to the younger, ask for input/help when needed. help now the newness of the need to balance homelife and ministry. that hayley would grow with such a realization of His love thru this experience, that she would know she is surrounded by much love. help them to build clear boundaries with other relationships.
:: bm - that their marriage would become even stronger with this experience, and depend upon each other more - easy to go to others in community than to each other, to fill what the other person was intended to fill. that they would make time for themselves. that their boundaries would be established in the relationships around them.
:: erin - content with being single, integrity and strong healthy relationships with others. not afraid to make new relationships outside of community - but to risk. :) know and make clear boundaries in relationships.
:: megan - content with being single - that the holy spirit would help her discern relationships made beyond community. to know and make clear boundaries in relationships. would look to You to fill her needs rather than others.
:: zaira - content with being single and trust the lord with her mate. to seek and run with god with nothing holding back. to know and make clear boundaries in relationships.
so ya..that's what i got thru yesterday noon hour.
i love you guys tremendously. and pray for you much.
Thank you Tracey for pushing, and interceding for all of us. I can't wait to see Jesus in the results that are coming b/c of your and our willingness to continually want to understand what He is doing. Thank you again. Love you friend.
Hey Tracey, those were good words I needed to hear. Thanx
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