Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Hey everyone,

So there is this really cool girl staying at the Burnaby house for a bit. God somehow has intersected our lives right now, where she is taking time out to be and heal.

She gave me permission to post this poem that she wrote one afternoon out on the front steps about where she is at in her journey of life right now.

Read it and weep. Keep in mind, if she was reading this to you... there would be a really great back beat.

alive somewhere in the great divide,
not separated by space or time but melting in your kindness,
designed, creatively planned and organized,
continually surprised by the opening of earth and sky,
heart and mind
communication with the divine,
God speech breaths to mine.
What are these words, heard
when once cold and unfeeling,
I'm being swerved by the sound of silence,
broken by the loudness of your whisper
gently holding me,
free...I wonder and I quiver,
thawing slowly like the slow melt of winter,
fearfully warmed by the sun, letting the water run
down the face of my hard exterior,
superior is your wisdom to mine,
and i find now I breakdown,
I will not be crushed, but held.


Anonymous said...

she is one of the most courageous women i have ever met..

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the breathtaking words of a pure heart...when I read it, I don't know...I just start to breath. And, I somehow know it's all been worth it. Maybe it's you.