Saturday, September 29, 2007

This is Me-gan

Hey peeps! For those out there who don't live or are in good contact with the Burnaby team...Yes, I am sill alive and I am still going...It's just been a long process of waiting, and being very paticent. God isn't finished with me here in Estevan yet, even though I want to badly go...I want to so badly go that I count every morning how many days left I have till I fly out there. As a matter of fact, only 47 days! Also, it's 47 days until my birthday. (Nice birthday present hey?) As I recall on my birthday last year Scott said to me, "Hey, by this time next year you'll be in Burnaby". I never knew that Scott would be prophetic, in knowing the exact day I would get there. Thanks Scott, I think i'll listen more closely when you speak. :)

Everyone is also wondering why the heck I don't write on here more often, well when you work a 12 hour days for 6 days of the week, I'm just not in the mood to write. But thank you for your paticence. Greatly appricated.

Where I am at. Crazy actually, God is slowly revealing to me why I am to be here for the 3 extra months. You know what's more crazy, I think that all this is teaching me how to be more relational with God, and with people. I actually believe I'm more prepared to live in the "BIG" city then I was a month and a half ago...It's been really good and really hard because I am impaticent, and I want to do the dream now! I want to live like I don't have a tomorrow. When trusting God, he sometimes doesn't lead you in that direction. Funny how God works.
One thing God asked me to do is prove how much I love Estevan to him, by praying for it. Nothing big, nothing fancy, no program, just trusting God and letting him lead and the direction he wants to lead me in. So, my friend Dani and I have called it Aroma , and it's on Sunday nights at 6:30. Anyone is invited to go and love Estevan by praying for it. It's been amazing! I truly believe that God is breaking not just our walled hearts, but Estevan's. We've been on different locations and just praying what God puts on our hearts. Example: Skate park, Schools, churches, the beef bar, the courthouse, and many more. Let me just say, GOD IS AMAZING!!! I would love to do this more often...In Burnaby.
I just know that God has been putting me in places and with people in Estevan for a reason. Just the other day I had coffee with a friend an wow, God just opened the door for me, and I had the choice bold and to be just honest of where I am and who I am in Christ, to just be real. And I know that God is so in our conversation, and I know that my choice will affect her life. Just because it was amazing...thank you JESUS!

There is so much more that I could just write on's alot!

Just wanted you to know that I am alive, and that God is doing just amazing things in my environment. Love you all!


Lani said...

Sweet!!! Thank you for the update Megs. It is so beautiful to hear about what God is doing in your heart. Thank you for writing... :)

Miss ya.

breefer said...

wow. i am challenged. in pjs letter to the planters he talked about doing prayer walks and specific prayer for specific places in the city, well you are leading the charge. thats awesome. and for the beef and the skate park, wow so cool. that is awesome. you will be out here in no time, we have been here 3 months and it has flown by like a really fast bird. take care. see you soon