Wednesday, October 03, 2007

About time...

Well, good news in my world. I have a job! I'm going to be starting next week at Building Opportunities with Business Inner City Society. I'll be working in the downtown eastside of Vancouver as an Employment Support Coordinator. The hope is to bring life to a very dismal part of Vancouver. How do you connect businesses, with those that need jobs, without displacing the homeless that call this area home? I'm going to find out.. or rather, it might just be my job to find out. Eeesh!

Thank you for everyone that was praying for my job... I think I might need you to keep praying as I start! The next step is to find an apartment and roommates.

Have a beautiful day everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woo Woo!! That is so great Lani!! You will do an awesome job! Take care.