Monday, October 15, 2007


hey everyone...
it has been a while since i wrote anything on here. my running joke is that if i could submit my papers for blog fodder or read my class texts in order to share insight, i'd be set. one bites when i say that. :)
many of you know that i'm going to school four days a week...and that darlene and i continue to flipflop schedules in an effort to stay sane and get Hayley outside[while also seeing each other every week]. and for the most part, it's been wonderful.
fall here, and especially on the UBC campus, really accentuates the beauty of this city we call home. one day last week, i sat in the open air commons outside the library...and looked north through thinning red/orange/yellow leaves across the radiant blues of english bay to the terraces of north vancouver and the lush greens of the mountains to the north capped by brilliant snow...all wrapped in the warmth of sunlight. what an incredible place to sit...and what i wonderful place to learn!!! check out the website to see for yourself.
the semester is about half over...and i've mostly adjusted to being a 27-year-old in class with youngsters. i'm studying in history and religious studies...and enjoying the tremendous challenge and insight. what i wanted to say tonight is that, much like our journey as a group here in burnaby...i'm being stretched to question and search through some of the 'quick' and hasty assumptions we make with regards to our own tradition. and by that, i mean some of the 'quick' ways we read scripture...and some of the hasty answers we conjure for big questions. this term i'm studying the book of job and the life of paul...both in the context of historical and literary criticism in one of canada's most specified faculties. and while that makes some of you cringe...and others of you move on to a different website [i.e. trace...chuckle], i'm finding the journey to be invigorating.
the truth is we've often talked about our journey to/in vancouver being...jesus and His irresistable teachings MUST be here, even when the answers aren't what we thought they were. so...needless to say, i'm learning.


tracey said...

what do u mention me for? what do u mean move onto a different website (ie trace..chuckle)...what does that mean????

t :)

Unknown said...

So glad to hear that you are being stretched and that you are enjoying it. Wouldn't expect anything less from you!