Monday, February 11, 2008

Coffee and the Holy Spirit

Once again I question whether coffee and the holy spirit are closely related.:) But this morning I woke up and while drinking my coffee I had this thought.
My life has not changed since yesterday. At least that I can see with my own eyes. But sometimes I pray that God will change me while I sleep. Change my mind. Work in my spirit. Draw me out and closer to him. Give some hope where there is none.
Like I said..not much outwardly has changed. But here is the thought that for the moment is giving me light where I on my own I am not sure I could find it. Thank-you coffee..! I mean thank you Jesus! :) double:)
If I wait until my circumstances change for Jesus to change my heart..or give me his joy or his love for people, or love for myself I could be waiting for a while. Do I have to wait? Does my joy depend on my circumstances? Do I have to WAIT for joy until my circumstances change? What a waste of time. I can't wait that long. I will die of the fight and the exhaustion of discouragement and whatever else.
There must be a reason why God included in his bible
" The joy of the Lord is your strength". I don't imagine it was because Joy is hard to find when everything is going well...or when you ALREADY HAVE IT. It must be because when you can't find it...we probably need it most. For and in every circumstance even the bad ones that show no sign of changing anytime soon.
Lord have mercy.. and today may the joy of the Lord be your strength..and mine..and yours..and mine...and yours.............and mine........breathing's going to be o.k.
my heart. t


Pilgrim said...

holy freakin post tan!!!!! i think you're BANG on...
and your insight proves the 'dangers' of drinking coffee while reading heavy books...

Anonymous said...

AMEN ! From all the other believers out here who have a hard time finding joy!