Thursday, February 21, 2008


Good morning friends and family.
This is another updated letter of what is happening in my life regarding NHOP. I have been in contact with them about the Nazarite program, and just yesterday they informed me that since a lack of applications, they have postponed it to a date that is more suitable for young adults to be involved. So the program is going to run in Sept. They said, if I was still interested in going in Sept, I am accepted to go. I have decided to go in Sept. I am only going to work part time in Swift Current and I’m going help the local church in Herbert, and do ministry with the Jr. High girls since it is needed. In August, I will be part of Street Invaders, and then right after I would go to Ottawa, since it is still heavy on my heart.
Emotionally…I have been grieving for a week, because I was informed by the NHOP a week ago that they didn’t have enough to make the program run. So, they gave it a week to see if people would apply. Yesterday was when I found out that it fell through. I don’t know what else to do but just live.
Through all of this, I think God is going to show me a lot of things in the duration of this waiting period…(again). I need to remind myself that is this out of my control and all I can do is trust God.
I have chosen that no matter where I go, I will serve and help out where needed. I thank you for your prayers and for your support. And I will keep you updated on my life. If you have questions, I would love to answer them. I’m a little numb so I don’t know what else to say. Thank you.

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