Hello cyber community...
Have been meaning to write a note for a while now documenting my journey into the quagmire of academic life. So as an exercise in procrastinating study for my german test tonight, now seems like a good time.
Many of you know and understand that one of the things we’ve been dreaming of here in Vancouver is a community that is deeply rooted in devotion to Christ while being simultaneously rooted in diverse connections to real life. Put another way, each of us is committed to becoming more of who we are gifted/compelled to be…believing that those who are fully alive represent Jesus to the max.
For me, that lifestyle is not something that I’ve mastered. From day to day, my conception of who I am and who Jesus is in Vancouver fluctuates…surprise surprise. THIS is why I am becoming a staunch supporter of Christian community. Living with others challenges me to be honest about what I’m gifted to do (and also what my weaknesses are) while it bolsters my faith/confidence when things are dark, difficult, and discouraging.
Saying all that, I believe with all my heart that my recent acceptance into grad studies at UBC is not just a direct result of hard work and spousal patience (thank you dar), but also the love, courage, and commitment of my closest friends. I also believe that the doors we all are walking through here have not been opened through our own ingenious and audacious efforts, but through the prayerful and encouraging support of this thing we call our community.
I am becoming what I am becoming because of those who live closest to me. And while I’m honored and overwhelmed at the opportunity to study the things that I love (looking for Jesus in the everyday), I don’t take credit for strategically planning such an adventure. This journey of life, faith, and experience is best done collaboratively; I think that’s when we see clearest HIS work in all of us.
Leaning into grace…
I wanted to congratulate you in your acceptance for graduate work. And the manner in which you live. You a truly a authenthic servant-leader.
We miss you much. Say hello to Darlene.
For his sake,
How did you make out on the German test?? I enjoy reading your updates. Keep it up. Heather B
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