Saturday, March 15, 2008

Is Jesus Enough

I am sitting here with and in my loneliness wondering if Jesus is enough?
I mean...really enough.
Not in my head. Not even in the places that I know he is enough.
But in this place. Where I don't know.
Here...Is Jesus enough?
Is he real in this place?
Here it isn't about anyone else.
It isn't about what I say to someone to make them believe
It isn't what I do, or how I act
It isn't even how I feel.
It is a true question of whether not here...Jesus is enough?
Who is Jesus anyway?
Who is he in the truly broken?
In the truly lonely?
In the truly hurting heart.
Which is everyone...somewhere inside. Somewhere.
It only takes something valuable lost or stolen or shattered,
or mistreated to remind them.
My pedal is up, and I am truly wondering
Is Jesus enough?

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