Tuesday, March 27, 2007

the kids first day of school

well... lochdale community school has two new students.

they did it.. and LOVED IT!

caleb, and "the look"...
caleb wanted me to stay in his class at the beginning and we had agreed on a secret "look" for when i was to go. met his teacher, miss normoyle, who is a middle aged single lady, so nice, so soft spoken, so earthy... :)

then when caleb sat down, and they started, a boy, of chinese ethnicity, comes up to caleb and talks his ear off, telling him what they are doing, what the assignment is, where his name goes on it...instant friendship. caleb looked at me and smiled, then gave me the "look" and i headed out.

i was so teary.. there sat my son, in a class where he is 1 of 5 caucasians in his class of 19. my little missionary man... he has since been received into the pack; his friend from the first day, ernest; jeffery, another chinese boy; and austin, a caucasian. it's so cool...they are "friends", as caleb tells me. it's amazing to me how kids can do that. and i also see where caleb was born, in the philippines, and being there for his first 4 years, has made him so open to other cultures. so very very cool...

little miss rosie, the tall kindergarten chick

well, once again rosie towers the kids in her class..hehehe..but it didn't stop her from completely engaging them all and not minding when i said, "do you want me to go or stay"...she was in the throws of reading a book on the reading couch with 2 little girls..i knew she'd have no problem..she's the most social of us 4! her teacher, ms hernandez, is very good, rosie says. so funny..

so the first day of school was amazing...the kids love their school, which is a 13 min walk from the house here.. they have begun their adventure too.... :)

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