Sunday, December 16, 2007

Megan's Renga poem

I find myself in an unknown abyss
feeling nothing,knowing I was meant to fly.
Seeing hope, but I don't know how to grasp.

My creator has set me apart from the others
He has told me to jmp off the cliff

I wonder at these wings that I see, will they carry me?
Can I soar?
It is as though the very wind calls to me, joining with the voice of my saviour...."fly eagle fly"!

So I look at the reflection of myself in this dark abyss,
and I see who God has made me,
I smile for a moment...hands up high and I step forward, off this cliff knowing He carries me when my wings feel as though they can't...and then my heart feels.

1 comment:

Anna said...

hey girl! how goes job hunting and all that good stuff? Where are you living, are you at the house or in an aparment? you need to fill us in :)... take care