Friday, December 14, 2007


so i hope someone else will update y'all on the nurses supper - ahem.. hint hint! i was in the kitchen with my hands in the sink most of the night so i didn't see reactions first hand for the most part. but from what i did hear second hand, everyone had a great time and felt very loved and honoured (which was our intent - hooray!) they even asked outright why we had chosen to host their party giving opportunity for the vision of mission burnaby to be spelled out briefly, so cool!

tonight we met and i led the group in the exercise i blogged about on Nov 16/07 called Renga.

Renga is Japanese writing where one person starts by writing 3 lines, then the next person adds 2 more lines, the next 3 lines and the last person 2 more, creating a 10 line poem... the challenge of the exercise is to listen and hear the writing of the first person and to continue in the rhythm and style that they are using.

In our case, my goal was for us to not only write cool poems but to give us a chance to express a bit of where we are at and allow the rest of the team to hear our hearts and kind of speak to where we are at indirectly... i'll share the poem I started... hopefully others will share theirs too because some pretty amazing stuff was written... thanks for sharing the journey with us!

Quietly she gathers, quietly she waits.
Waits for the lights to be turned on,
Waits for the dark night to turn day light.

Through the fog a glimmer, but she can't be sure...
So she sits still, silent, alone to wait out the passing night.

Slowly and peacefully a light breaks thru and falls upon her face.
A new dawn, a new day!
Cautiously, but with excitement rising, and eyes adjusting
she begins to finally see after so many dark days.

The dark days have taught her how much she needs the light.
This is where she wants to be: free, alive, full of purpose.

1 comment:

Anna said...

sigh, coolabout the supper... I love the poem too...