Monday, October 13, 2008

A bit of my heart's struggle

Another update from Brian so quickly after the previous update.

As I last posted an answer to prayer as I got the on call EA job in the school division so that was super cool. I worked one full week Monday-Friday and then this last week I didn’t work at all. I still have shifts at the home and am hoping to get some more calls from the school this week, as well I applied for a full time position that I should hear if I have an interview this week.

Meryl doesn’t really like her job, as we all have been there. As she has mentioned she commutes about 3.5 hours a day because she has a split shift so that gets very tiring and for what she gets paid doesn’t always seem worth it. She hopefully will get a transfer to a closer center this week but still then that brings my heart to a wondering place…

Lord what do you have for us.. our hearts are to work with youth, to possibly travel and speak to youth in different capacities as I did previously with True Lies/Painkillers.

There possibly is an opportunity with the same organization of Street Invaders- Lifeforce that might look to do some more media centered messages in schools in western Canada.. right now they are praying for God’s timing and the right tools to effectively put something into action.. This is something that sparks my heart Everytime I think about it.. I feel alive when I am interacting with youth and especially when I am talking about the media and the issues it brings up in their lives all of the time, Meryl comes alive talking with girls about self esteem and body image and those things.. seems like it might be a good fit be we are not sure on the timing and our place in it right now. You can pray towards that end if you feel like doing so.

Meryl’s heart again is to work with girls as she can identify with some of the issues they are facing with what she has gone through in her life. She has been in contact with the Looking Glass which is an organization just starting up that will deal in some aspect with eating disoders and body image and so on, but it seems to be taking a while to get up and running, then there is Mercy Ministries that is out in Surrey which helps women in distress whether it be young single moms, or drug issues, or pregnant girls but that’s all the way in Surrey- do we need to move to Surrey?

We all talk often about the next step God has for us and being patient for that, but as Meryl so eloquently put that we have been waiting for a year and maybe we need to act on something and push towards something? So I lay awake in my bed tonight wondering what is next Lord? Is there something I/we need to be doing to prepare and push towards whats happening next? This is a little bit of heart struggle from Brian to the blog world.. you want to know what to pray or how to pray for us.. pray for God’s clarity in our lives as to what’s next, a new job for Meryl perhaps, something consistent and full time for Brian, pray that we would have a peace about being here and the place we now find ourselves.. Thanks for reading and for caring.



tracey said...

wow..didn't even know half of what you wrote here in detail, bri..dont know what to say but i'll be praying for you guys..waiting is hard..been there done that..but in the waiting builds some of the most amazing character i said before..i'll keep praying. :)

thanks for sharing.

Meryl said...

just to clarify, we're not actually talking about moving to surrey lol... we're just talking about things that make us come alive, and just the whole mercy minitries is amazing and it would be incredible one day to be involved in what they do for girls.

yeah... thanks for praying for us :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know how your hearts are doing ... it helps me have a better idea of how to pray, which I will be doing.
