Me on the left with my good friend Amanda.
It's about relationship.
I'm sitting in Starbucks, having just said good bye to my new
friend Jill, a single Italian woman. I sat down in a comfy chair next to her, and we both began chatting about our day. She lives at home with her father, taking care of him since her mother died 15 years ago. She spoke about her work, and asks me questions that she only listens to one syllable of before filling up my sentence with what she assumes in my answer. Could this be ministry? Living authentically, together in community, in a way that welcomes and embraces everyone that God sends our way? Could this be the church?
At Mission Burnaby we meet together, we worship together, we pray together and we eat together. Much of our ministry is the moments that God brings across our path each day where we can build relationships and we can love people. I love the moments God introduces me to people like Jill... It’s a gift.
I'm sitting in Starbucks, having just said good bye to my new
friend Jill, a single Italian woman. I sat down in a comfy chair next to her, and we both began chatting about our day. She lives at home with her father, taking care of him since her mother died 15 years ago. She spoke about her work, and asks me questions that she only listens to one syllable of before filling up my sentence with what she assumes in my answer. Could this be ministry? Living authentically, together in community, in a way that welcomes and embraces everyone that God sends our way? Could this be the church?
At Mission Burnaby we meet together, we worship together, we pray together and we eat together. Much of our ministry is the moments that God brings across our path each day where we can build relationships and we can love people. I love the moments God introduces me to people like Jill... It’s a gift.

It's been an interesting journey, this last year and one month that I've lived in Burnaby. I started work in Vancouver's downtown eastside where I've had the privilege of supporting individuals who are coming out of addiction, homelessness, mental illness or are new immigrants as they begin the process of going back to work. Through this I've been able to meet so many organizations and businesses that have blown me away by their courage and willingness to make a difference. 

Chilling with Shirley Chan, my boss and the premier at SUCCESS Walk of the Dragon, and with co-workers as we participated in the Sun Run together.
I've been so grateful for the space to adjust, and really begin to make Burnaby my home. It has been an emotional roller coaster at times, as God continues to say 'trust me'.
And just what has 'trusting him' meant?
And just what has 'trusting him' meant?
- Choosing to let God's love release me to enjoy Vancouver instead of being on a mission to save it.
- Allow myself and others on the team to have grace as we learn to live in community.
- Constant setting aside of my pride as we build relationships, not programs. (This is interesting since I've placed a lot of my own value on what I've done inside the church, not outside of it in the past few years.)
An exciting, yet sad change (for us!) is that Erin Reesor will be moving to Victoria to work and live as she prepares to get married in February. We have loved being able to get to know Pete Lewis, who is a very fun guy and is passionate about Jesus- we really like him even though he is whisking our friend away!
Thank you for all your prayers and support. We continue to pray for you all as well. Let our journey to practice what we've preached by 'being Jesus in the world around us' inspire you, even as you've inspired us to be willing to take this risk.
With my nephew Samuel, and then Trace and I at the MB house.
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