“A Christian who is inclined to think that other people need Jesus is one who may need Him the most. Everybody needs Jesus. Not everybody knows it. Some Christians know they need Jesus. Some Christians don’t. Bottom line is: knowing you need Jesus is a lot more important than being a good Christian.”
And now here I am, almost thirty, and just in the last quarter of my life have I realized that knowing I need Jesus has been more important than anything… and that Jesus is the most important thing (person) I can share with people. Not my survival tactics, not my discipline secrets, not my wise and wonderful experience (ha!)… just the fact that I need Jesus more than anything else life can offer.
My heart ends up beating the words, Lord this is so for me...I have more thoughts...that are still forming. I will write them in the next day or so...they have to do with some conclusions I am coming to about my 'faith'...and the role of faith in my life. Thanks for being on the journey e.
Love this quote, thanks for sharing
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