Sunday, October 05, 2008

Here i am again

Thanks to those for the gentle reminder to blog.. I assure you this was not something I was avoiding but rather completely forgot, I guess I have been waiting so long for a change in my job situation that I forgot to blog when something changed. All that to say… since I came out here last summer I have been trying to get into the school system as an on call Educational Assistant. For various reasons it didn’t end up happening until I got an interview last week for the on call EA position, which basically means if they need an EA to sub whether someone is sick, maternity leave, vacation or what have you they will call down the list the on call EA’s and give them (us) opportunity to work at these open short term placements.

This Sunday night I got a call asking me to work this whole week at a particular high school in Burnaby. Sweet. This is what I have wanted for quite some time.

The particular class I am working with is similar to the life skills class in estevan, which I didn’t spend that much time helping in. So this was kind of new territory for me but similar in some respects. There are quite a few autistic males which is new to me too but some of the similar behaviors I have seen so I am slowly learning how best to approach them. It has just been good to be in the school, with all the kids, just helping in the class… although I have 2 art classes and a technology education and wood working class so some of you that know me, these aren’t my strongest areas so its been stretching but a good thing. So I will work at this school till the end of the week and then hopefully be put back into on call rotation so I can have opportunity to work at some of the other schools in Burnaby.

I am still continuing to work at the group home as well, at least for October I already have my schedule so I have 10 shifts there as well so I have pulling a couple of 830-245pm at the school and then 4-12am at the group home shifts so that has been quite tiring but there is a bible verse that I hang on to that says something about God being my strength and giving me what I need to do what he has put in my path and being greater than obstacles that I may face.. so that has kept me going for sure.

It seems like the need for EA’s is very great so I am hoping to have some more opportunities to work in other places and then perhaps apply for some full time positions that get posted every 2 weeks.

Whoah.. hopefully you are still with me and I keep you wanting to keep reading.. ha

This is all I am going to write for now b/c I don’t want to make it soooo long that its to much at one sitting so for those reading if you want to know something more specific regarding anything you want to know just make a note and I will do that..

One last thing.. we are planning to head back to Yellow grass and perhaps the farm for Christmas so a bit of a crazy schedule this month can hopefully make it easier to be able to pay for tickets and such. God will provide and has provided. Thank you all for your love and support and gentle reminders.


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