Monday, May 14, 2007

hey hey hey

so as of today i officially have a permanent job! it's good! i'm excited about how i'm getting to know the people at work better. there is one guy who kinda reminds me of my old co-worker jeff. he's a little bit of a goof and he takes a joke really well.

for example, on friday, i was diligently working at my computer when all of the sudden there was a little red laser light dancing around on my screen. i whipped around, there was paul, playing with his laser temperature gun.

"Do you have to try to be annoying or does it come naturally?" I said with a smirk.

"Oh no, I don't try!" was his lippy response, delivered with a smile.

It's a fun place to work!


Pilgrim said...

hey erin...
congrats on moving forward...i'm positive that Christ will guide you from here. it's His dream for our glad you've found a place to connect with it.

breefer said...

glad that things are going good er. and a co-worker even remotely close to jeff, whoah thats cool.