Tuesday, May 29, 2007


So yesterday I had the day off and spent some time packing, then worked on a new painting for a bit... then picked Bri up to go get groceries. I didn't realize it, because i was alone all day, but packing alone and even just being alone in a house full of boxes is quite emotional. So I decided I couldn't handle this whole grocery shopping business and decided to take a walk home while Bri finished up...

As I was walking home I was walking past the park just behind our apartment... the one across from where Scott and Dar use to live. And sitting there on a white sheet were two of our jr. high girls in intense conversation. I went over to say hi, and they came up to me with water balloons. I was worried at first but immediately one began to tell me that they too were having bad days, and they decided to get together each with one water balloon and they would speak their sins out loud then ask God to forgive them then smash the balloon on the ground. Then there were some sins that they didn't want to say out loud that they wrote on a piece of paper then burried deep into the ground.

These are two girls that have been passionatly pursuing God, and I've been honored to get to walk beside them in it, both aren't from Christian homes but are so hungry for what they've seen. I've learned so much from them, they remind me of the intense hunger I had when I first met Jesus at their age, and I'm so challenged.

It's in moments like that, when I'm grumpy and sad, and not sure what I'm feeling that God shows me what truly to be thankful for. I'm so thankful for the ministry that I've been allowed to do here, the things I've been taught, and the steps of faith and courage that have been taken, not just in my own life, but in everyone around me too. I'm just so thankful that God's given me this home... that I was given this specific season to plant roots. And although I'm leaving, the roots are just being stretched...

1 comment:

erin said...

God's timing is rather amazing, isn't it! Thanks for sharing you journey Mer.
