so what do you get when you throw together, a dozen kids, pinadas, barbeque heaven, too many snacks, crazy games, a live band and 40 people?
on june 16 we had our house warming party.
we invited everyone we had begun to build relationships with; our neighbors,
school families, work friends, our realtor, our extended families, business
contacts and whomever fell into the category of "our friends".
it was a great afternoon/evening..we had door prizes donated for our guests..
we had sooo much food and beverages we are still consuming it all!...
maurice (zaira's fiannce) brought a couple guys and played some sweet music for
us throughout the night..it was awesome!
the kids had activities of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey and 2 pinatas to destroy!
and there were lots of pockets of activity going on; people talking, playing games,
laughing, everything.
it was an incredible time. thank you for your thoughts, prayers and giving
towards this great event!

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