Tuesday, April 17, 2007

100% chance of rain

hey everyone...
so yesterday i went to UBC to meet with the faculty advisor that i've been emailing with. it was cold and rainy...and the bus ride took more than an hour. buses are the most joy-deprived places on earth; i was so struck by how 'down' everyone seemed. maybe it was the rain.
anyways...by the time i reached the campus...it was time for a cup of coffee. i got a subpar tall guatamala, and preceded to sit down in a rather overrun student lounge. i wanted to calm my mind and make sure i knew what i was going to say...so i read and wrote a little. i was going over some questions that i'd scribbled on j's scratch pad paper...and my eyes dropped to some text at the bottom of the page i hadn't noticed. it read, 'the lord will guide you always', from isa. 58:11. chuckle. coincidence...maybe. settling for my heart...you'd better believe it. i'd actually gone there not knowing for sure if the prof could meet me, so i called dar at home to see he'd emailed me his location...and he had. so i headed out into the downpour again; my feet were soaked by the time i got there.
i knocked on the door of office 201...and walked in to a guy reading some sort of ancient greek text like it was the vancouver sun. you know, that does wonders for one's confidence. chuckle.
i'll spare you a play by play with dietmar. he is a nice man...probably in his fifties, slim and fit, graying hair and spectacles that he removes when he listens to you. i'd been emailing with him trying to get a clearer picture of the programs i'm interested in, while also trying to determine the requirements that i still have to fulfill in order to be eligible for acceptence.
we talked for about half an hour...most of it related to my still unknown student status, and what i may have to do in order to gain entrance to the faculty of religious studies.
it struck me as we talked that i'm not just thinking about going to school, but that i'm attempting to gain entrance into a very elite group of intellectuals. it's funny how even writing that makes me feel intimidated. the point is that UBC is ranked in the top 40 universities in the world, and the faculty/degree i would pursue is the only one of its kind in canada.
dietmar had an exam to oversee, so i left him. he said, 'best of luck. hope everything works out.' chuckle.
darlene and others asked me how i felt later in the day...and i had a hard time figuring it out. bottom line, i'm still waiting to hear if i'm accepted to do some upgrading at UBC. that's the first step. i know that the hardest part was realizing how i'm really at a disadvantage because i haven't been studying ancient languages and history since i was 18. and i am also aware that the cost will be great should i pursue this dream.
but i could also feel peace in knowing that i'm in the process...that i'm pursuing the things that make me come alive...and that there are many ways to move forward. HE is guiding me.
so...thanks for praying for me in the process. i confirmed today that they are processing my application...so please pray for a favourable ruling. pray also for direction in terms of course work and academic theme.


Meryl said...

wow scott. wow.
we are praying for you.
my heart races to hear of all the excitement and risks going on at your guys' end. We believe in you.

Unknown said...

This is cool. And don't worry everyone feels intimidated by school (esp. top 40 schools) but I think that is the point.
Also, your one of the smartest guys I know...and I know a lot of people (smile).
Peace to you!
PS-I have looked at every pic on this page and tracey's photo page...I cried...I miss you all so very much...my heart hurts! Hayley is HUGE, Dar looks great and you guys look content! Am really happy for you.