Saturday, April 07, 2007

easter house gathering

we met together, those of us in the house, for some worship time, some prayer time, some sharing time..some jesus time..

i suppose it was about 9ish when we met.. it was just before midnight when we "ended"... but it was good.. good to just soak with jesus...

this week has been such an emotional roller coaster for me.. so just "being" amongst my family, with His presence surrounding me; it was very refreshing for me.

it didn't look like how church "normally" looks.. but He was there.. and i know that i went away touched..knowing that at the end of the day, at the end of my emotional state, at the end of it, i know i'm where He wants me to be. and that it doens't matter if it's not how it's always looked. not that' i'm one for doing the status know what i mean... :) i like out of the box..i like different.. and it was. and my structured parts of me were really ok with it...!

and that's cool.

and that's peaceful for me.

happy easter.

just rest in Him today.

He's all you need.

(good friday - in our neighborhood)


Anonymous said...

happy easter Trace, and family. the street looks amazing. ..
lots of love

Meryl said...

yowza.. gorgeous! thanks for sharing trace, just reading your guys' experience helps me not only pray for you, but it really helps me prepare my heart for what's in store. thank you guys for being trailblazers for us.

breefer said...

that sounds so awesome sounds like you guys have been there for a time already, i am excited to join in the journey. and what a beautiful picture.