Easter Morning.
It's raining today. It rattles softly at the window like the fingers of a child. It comes down the glass in crooked paths to stir my heart strangely as it always has.
The sound of it on a taut umbrella, on tree leaves, watching it dimple the surface of a puddle or a pond.
It is the rain and it tastes of silver; it is the rain and it smells of something new. Just like easter. The new kingdom. The new life. The new.
It's easter and the rain is falling...and everything is wet.
wet earth.
wet fur.
wet grass.
wet pavement.
the sound of tires on wet streets, the wet hard and the face of a woman doing errands in the rain.
Tears of the heavens washing the filth and mire. washing the soot and the weariness.
It's easter. and He is alive.
Everything is different. Ever heard someone talk of a near death experience...and how everything looks different, sounds different, and smells different? This is the day we celebrate our near death encounter. and everything is different. Maybe we should celebrate easter every sunday.
just random thoughts from a heart on a journey. Reminded me of a poem my mom gave me years ago. I will share it. May He be near...so near to you.
If you've knelt before the rubble of an aching, broken heart
When the things you gave your life to, fell apart
You're not the first to be acquainted with sorrow grief and pain.
But the Master promised sunshine after rain.
Hold on my child,
Joy comes in the morning!
Weeping only lasts for a night,
Hold on my child,
Joy comes in the morning!
The darkest hour means dawn is just in sight.
To invest the seed of trust in God
For mountains you can't move;
To risk your life for things you cannot prove;
To give the things you cannot keep for what you cannot loose
Is the way to find the joy God has for you.
Author Unknown.
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