i was reading my bible this morning and Psalm 92:2 struck me... i've never really noticed it before... this time i did. it says,
"to declare Your lovingkindness in the morning, and Your faithfulness at night."
i'm always amazed at how involved God is in my life. even the psalmist's reference to God's love in the day and His faithfulness at night points me to how well God knows me. night time for me is always when my mind is whirling - i'm thinking about what happened in the day, what's gonna happen tomorrow. i'm worrying about the details of life, the big and small, the important and not so important, and trying to work them all out. That's when i need to be reminded of God's faithfulness in every area of my life.
my mom just said it again today, "why do we worry about things? God obviously has everything under control." Siloam Mission, where she is the kitchen manager, needed another cook because one was quiting - God worked it out and even brought one who would work evenings and weekends! His faithfulness is stunning really.
and then His lovingkindness in the morning.. the psalmist calls us to announce/declare His love - before we start our day, face the world and all it's good and bad, to declare His love for us and those around us. it's easy to forget how much the people around us love us. the same is true with God for me, it's easy to forget how much He cares. obviously He knows how easy it is for us to forget because He reminds us to remind ourselves!
wow God, thanks for your love and faithfulness at the times I need it most...
1 comment:
amen to that sisterfriend! :)
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