Tuesday, April 10, 2007

new job - day two

hey everyone. thanks for your prayers regarding my job hunt. i just finished day two. it's been good. nothing too exciting, nothing too hard as of yet. it's hard to know for sure if it's a fit.

i'm considered temporary right now, which means they could tell me i'm "just not working out" or i guess i could tell them the same! everyone in the office seems nice and i'm excited to get to know them better and to really be able to "feel" the the office out... both of which come with time i guess.

i've been kinda stumped trying to think of good ways to meet people... yesterday i joined a walking club.. the first event is a scenic walk in downtown vancouver on saturday morning. i'm stoked. both to see more of the city and to meet some new people who i have something in common with - a love of walking!


1 comment:

breefer said...

so cool to hear you are absolutely jumping in the city and the people there er. a downtown walk, what a great thing to be a part of. I am sure you will meet some people that way, sounds awesome. thanks for the updates. I am learning about the different substances that can be abused in my class now and its a lot of info but its going ok.
back to the books
love brian