Monday, April 16, 2007

some q's

Good morning team,
last night as i lay in bed i was having a super hard time falling asleep. I couldn't stop thinking first about our silent auction that we'll be doing in june, then about little rosie... i just really miss her, she had a way of making my day - often. and then i got onto thinking about the reality of living in Burnaby. And i think i have some questions for you who are there.

Is it what you expected?

Are you having a hard time adjusting to not being in a sunday morning service?

Do you miss doing specific ministries that you used to be involved in?
ie - trace, erin being part of the worship team, pj preparing to speak and speaking infront of a bunch of people (i guess you're still doing that). I think i really will miss being part of a youth group that is directly impacting such a diverse group of kids... and yes i know there will still be opportunity to do that in Burnaby, it's just got me thinking... hmm what else do i wanna ask....

How has it been building relationships? I understand that takes time, but what are people doing to make start the process?

I know it would be for me... but is it hard starting that process with people? What makes it hard for you?

Are you feeling God fulfilling His promises?

Well i think that's what i have for now. I've been finding myself trying to imagine myself in Burnaby and I praise God because he's showing me the lies i might believe about significance, and I praise God not because of lack of self-esteem, but because he's showing me now and i can start fighting for the truth instead of being struck by the lies without expecting it.

Hope to hear from all of you!!
Love you


erin said...

What God is showing you is awesome Meryl. Thanks for sharing that...
and thanks for the questions!

Is it what you expected? -i guess i expected burnaby to feel really different but some days it just feels like life... in a different, busier place.

Are you having a hard time adjusting to not being in a sunday morning service? -i have to say, it is a little weird! :)

Do you miss doing specific ministries that you used to be involved in? -i was actually thinking about this yesterday.. i really didn't like worship leading when i started but now, ironically, i think i might actually miss it. i definately miss being a part of the worship team.

How has it been building relationships? I understand that takes time, but what are people doing to start the process? -it's been hard, having no "ins"... usually when you go somewhere you know people who introduce you to their friends. i find it really hard starting from "scratch" if you will.. i've joined a walking club (on saturday I met one lady and we had a good chat) and I'm trying to find a book club to get involved in.

I know it would be for me... but is it hard starting that process with people? What makes it hard for you? -i don't know, it's just hard for me (stinkin' introvert!). if you think about the relationships you have now, most of them took quite a while and quite a bit of work to get to where they are now.

Are you feeling God fulfilling His promises? -some. i have to say, i have a hard time being patient :)

tracey said...

hey merrily.. :)

yes rosie misses you too..

am gonna just answers some of your questinos.. :

1. is it all i expected to be? yes and no. for me it's not so clear..i'm adjusting to EVERYTHING. yes i grew up here, yes this is "home"..but i am finding i am having severe culture shock. i find i have to continually ask jesus for his grace to FUNCTION in my home and outside of my home, downtown thru business, everything. its kinda like when we first got married, you know? the EXCITEMENT of the newness, and the reality of, well the newness! it's up and down..but i think that's normal.. and i think that is when god and only god can be what we need. all ican say, for myself, is that i'm THANKFUL you are all not here at the same time as us.. i think that would be hard, for each other, for adjusting, for our emotions, etc.. god so knew what he was doing, in the "phases".. cuz i think we'd be a heaping "mess" all here together in the newness.. does that make sense?

2. hard time to adjusting to no "sunday service"? yes and no.
the yes is for missing seeing people on sundays. the no is that i'm ok with doing it different. its the "seeing all the family" that is hard for me.. so send pictures, ECOG!! :) :)

3. miss specific ministries? yes and no.
more or less the same reasons. but the coolness now, is that every moment of the day when i am with different people, THAT is ministry. lifestyle ministry, maybe is what i'd call it.. i dunno. i'm not one for always doing the same thing.. i like some things changed up, and this is cool for me. :

4. how is it building relationships? how are we starting this?
for me it seems to be easy..from our cool italian neighbors, to rosie's classmates parents, to the school's community association, to my BNI chapter members.. i'm meeting lots of people, building some small bridges with them.. i dont find that part hard at all..
but that's just me.. :)

5. what makes it hard for me?
any new transition that affects EVERYTHING in my life is hard for me. anything that affects my kids is hard for me. i cry lots. silently, and not so silently..heheh.. but i think that it's normal.. i think if it weren't hard in anyway i'd be in denial about something..hehehe..

6. are you feeling god fulfililng his promises? absolutely yes.
i see it in my business contacts/BNI.. i see it in the friends my kids are making.. i see it in the friends we are making.. i see it in the way my kids are adjusting.. i see it inthe way god continues to get people involved in this mission.. i see it in how god continues to line up meetings across the continent for J..
so god fulfilling his promises? i have never once thought anything different.

enough of my spewage on that for now..
i will blog my last week tonight, i think.. so much has happened.. :)

love you.. talk soon.

Pilgrim said...

hey meryl...thanks for sharing your heart. and thanks for calling us into it by asking good questions.
is it what i expected? um...pretty much. probably the only thing that i didn't see coming was the shift in life that has happened since dar started school. hayley is my daughter...she's loud, temper-driven, and energetic. :) every day is an adventure!!!
adjusting to no sunday service? what i like about our current format is that it removes the sense of 'labour' and busyness from sunday. without a service, i find myself wanting to do the things we should do: rest, be with family, eat with friends, read and listen to Him. that is a part of church, no?
missing specific ministries? i like what trace said...that without a local church program to participate in, it makes it a lot easier to focus on ALL of life as ministry.
building relationships? because of mine and hayley's schedule, this has been pretty limited. her and i go to her first music class on pray for our 'mom and tot outreach'. ;)
feeling God? great question meryl. yes...i see and feel Him at work in the favour that darlene and trace have had with their erin's new the contact made with neighbours and those in our area. i feel too His work in my heart...that unsettling reality of Him seeking out my brokenness, my pride, my impure heart. i think that some of my life's hardest times have been when my heart was hard to Him...and He has promised to continue His work. so...sensing His nearness and heart 'construction' for me has been huge.
enough for now.
miss you and brian.