Monday, April 02, 2007

i think my projector's broken

have noticed that since arriving here in burnaby, the way i would articulate our mission has changed. in fact, i'm not even sure how i would try to explain the heart of what we're going to do anymore. you see, before getting here, everything was a projection. a good, holy spirit inspired projection...but still a very 'senseless' [not connected to actual feeling and senses] view of what the kingdom might look like. and on top of that, being here has heightened the reality that planting church starts with the seed of Christ's church taking root in me. adjusting as a family...really feeling the sheer size of this city...feeling its seething energy...and seeing darlene walk into a new stage of her career has chased all 'projections' from my reality. and that's what i'm feeling tonight.
faith is helping me see that the Church is a miracle...something that Christ Himself builds in the broken hearts of people like us. we cannot conjure it...make it up our best 'church ministry' and think it'll touch people. the church isn't a fantasy...a club for the spiritually organization to be managed and maximized. it's more than i've known in the past; i can feel in my heart seeking for orientation the loving whisper of God to turn to Him...and to discover the Church in Him. and i'm glad you're with me.
really missing you guys in estevan...really like that we're not all adjusting at the same time...but really miss you. know that we think you. thanks for blogging your matters to me.

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