Friday, April 06, 2007

Update...My life

Well...I thought I should give you all an update on my life. Darlene gave me the inspiration...Where do I start.
Well, last friday I had my last day at the daycare...The first 5 mins of being there I was shedding tears. It was a hard day, but I got to say good bye to the kids and to my classroom. But whats really interesting is that my friend holly, with whom I have been working with for these 2 years said that she isn't going to cry because I'm not dead, or that I'm leaving Estevan right away. She is determined to stay friends with me. Which speaks volumes to me. Because growing up I had friends who ditched me the first moment that they didn't need me. But Jesus is speaking to me through Holly, that there are people fighting to stay in contact with me. That the lies I've believed all these years are crumbling right before me. I'm learning to trust people again with a long distance relationship (Good thing God's working on my heart, Hey).
Anyways, My new employer gave the week off because it would work better if I worked the next Monday. I'm thankful for that because it seriously doesn't feel like spring here. It feels more like fall, just before the snow. And it gave me time to breath a little. To paint, and to organize my life a bit.
We gave our notice to leave the wonderful house at the end of June. I will be living with my good friends Wade and Tara for a month, and hopfully will be leaving for Burnaby in Aug...I'm thinking I'll be flying.
So today I was suppose to go on the bus to go visit my parents in Herbert, but alas...the bus station is closed for the holiday...Doesn't make any sense to me. So my parents decided to drive all the way to Estevan to pick me up. Which is nice of them. So to end, could you pray that work wouldn't be stressful. and Just for God to move in the most unexpected places.


Meryl said...

i love you much, and although i see you often, i'm constantly blessed by your heart, and the way you choose to express and explore Christ in you. thanks for the update ;) i will be praying for you this weekend, may you relax in the presence of the one who gave it all for you.

Love you

Darlene said...

Hey Megan,
I was wondering how things were going with your job and that whole transition. Thanks for the update...I will be praying for you. So glad you could be with your family this weekend! Hope you are having a realxing time. Love you lots,

J said...

It is exciting to know that He is preparing your heart to grow bigger. Pain and heartache do that as we submit to His timing and His way. Let it enlarge your capacity to let others close! We are praying for you.