Friday, April 06, 2007

joy without pain?

i pulled out some writings that were in a book called "reliving the passion" this morning. i was reading the entries for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday and I realize that my experience of Easter has been so very shallow in recent years.

i realize how easily i forget the pain & darkness that friday brought - perhaps even despair and hopelessness for some... or most maybe. how easy it is to gloss over this weekend to rejoice in the resurrection on sunday.. and even on sunday my rejoicing is shallow because how can i ever understand the darkness of friday. without friday's depth - of darkness, of pain, of uncertainty - sunday's joy is superficial.

God, help me to know the resurrection in the light of the darkness of the days that preceeded it... to understand the "lostness" of days without you so i can appreciate your presence in my life... to know the sorrow of being "at" your death so I can know true gratitude that you will be at mine, to rescue me from it. thank you for the dark days Lord.

1 comment:

Meryl said...

thanks er...
i was trying to find out the name of that book...

i remember reading that last year and how it wrecked me, and i hate how quickly i forget.

just to encourage you... you blogged a little while ago about 'church' and missing it, or not sure what you miss about it.. but just to let you know, from your blogs etc... i see you meeting with jesus in a way that is so beautiful, you are a leader, and you've connected my heart, i'm blessed to be in the body of christ with you, even if it is miles and miles away... your purpose will be fulfilled there..